Our Services

Scale Predictions

We are leading experts in scale predictions for production wells, topside facilities, injection wells and pipelines. Our main areas of expertise are carbonate and sulphide scales but we focus on other inorganic scales too such as barite and sulphates. We can use our client's preferred PVT and scale predictions software or recommend one based on specific project requirements.

Root Cause Analysis of Flow Assurance Challenges

When problems such as scale deposition, reduced production efficiency and well injectivity loss arise, we can identify the root cause of these issues by:

  • analysing the relevant field and lab data;

  • running PVT and aqueous phase chemistry modelling;

  • assessing current chemical treatment strategy.

Sour Fields

Many of our projects have been focusing on sour fields which produce small and large concentrations of naturally occurring or biogenic H2S. Our work focuses on understanding the impact of H2S on carbonate and sulphide scales, well productivity and injectivity issues as well as topside solid formation and problems associated with H2S evolution in separators, tanks and other vessels.

Geothermal, CCS & CCUS

Our flow assurance and scale prediction work extends to green technologies such as geothermal energy, CCS and CCUS. We offer tailored solutions to study these more challenging fluids from extraction to re-injection.


We have delivered a series of training and workshops for our clients and can provide customised training sessions on scale predictions, pH dependent scales and specific field studies.


Dr Giulia Ness is a visiting scholar at Heriot-Watt University and collaborates with the Flow Assurance and Scale Team (FAST) at the Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering.

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